Green building
Natural hydraulic lime for green building
The principles of green building involve the use of materials that allow complete environmental protection and eco-compatible development, both as regards their chemical and physical characteristics and the production method.
To find sustainable materials, we looked back to the past, for a return to natural materials, today produced and applied using the latest technologies. One of these is natural hydraulic lime, which produces less carbon dioxide both in the production phase and once applied, as through its second setting process, it reabsorbs this gas from the atmosphere. In addition, it is naturally antibacterial, it is breathable and does not require the use of additives during production. Finally, natural hydraulic lime is ideal for creating thermal insulating plasters and renders for green building.

When natural hydraulic lime is used in green building
Natural hydraulic lime can be used in the preparation of:
- Masonry mortar
- Natural hydraulic lime external insulation
- Lime plasters and renders for interior and exterior building restoration
- Grout
- Natural hydraulic lime injections
- Sealing
- Floor screeds
- Natural hydraulic lime paints without additives
- High-level finishes
- Products for consolidating masonry with natural hydraulic lime
- Lime and hemp bricks
Natural hydraulic lime: the advantages in green building
Lime, by firing at lower temperatures than cement, produces less carbon dioxide emissions due to combustion and less air pollution.
The production of natural hydraulic lime does not involve the use of additives or other chemical components.
The high breathability of lime guarantees healthy and mould-free environments. Indeed, natural hydraulic lime is also suitable for restorations and renovations.
Lime is naturally antibacterial.
Design by the architects Arch. Paolo Brambilla e Arch. Eugenio Castiglioni. Winner of Fassa Bortolo Special Prize – 2022 “Domus International Restoration and Preservation Prize “
Lime and hemp in green building
In green building, lime is often used together with hemp, another environmentally-friendly material that was widely utilised in the past, for the construction of plasters and bricks made from NHL lime and hemp. Hemp is grown using little water and no fertilisers, has a CO2 absorption capacity that is four times higher than other plants, is ideal for areas at seismic risk, is a sound-absorbing material as it absorbs vibrations, is biodegradable and reusable. In addition, hemp helps increase the moisture-absorbing and insulating properties of lime. Lime and hemp bricks for green building are therefore a sustainable and effective solution, exploiting the experience of the past for constructing the homes of the future.
Villaga lime is made only from natural hydraulic lime
Villaga’s commitment to eco-compatible development also includes reducing the environmental impact in lime production and extraction sites.
100% highest-quality hydraulic lime
Responsible manufacturing process
High porosity
Lighter colour
Slower setting
Easy to apply
Very low water-soluble salt content
High mechanical strength
Available in bulk, in sacks or in big-bags
Fast delivery, support and technical consulting
©Ecolibera® – Designer Marco Scaglione Architetto
Calce dei Berici
Natural hydraulic lime
Calce dei Berici is pure natural hydraulic lime produced exclusively by firing a calcareous marl in running kilns at temperatures below 900°C. Subsequently, the lime is seasoned for an extended period of time to ensure its complete hydration, before being ground and refined with wind separators.